Holy Communion & Feet Washing

Holy Communion and Feet Washing

ARTICLE XV - WE BELIEVE that only regularly baptized and orderly Church Members have a right to communion at the Lord's Table. References: Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 22:17-20;
~ 1 Corinthians 5:7-1 1, 11:17-29.

ARTICLE XVI - WE BELIEVE in Washing of the Saint's Feet in an assembly of believers immediately after the Lord's Supper. References: John 13:2-17;
I Timothy 5:9-10;
(See also Chapter IX, Church Ordinances.)

We observe these two church ordinances every quarterly on the 1st Sunday at the end of our 10:15am service. These rights observe by every baptized believer in the faith.

Walk by faith, and not by sight, "Christ will continue to bless His people"

Service Times

Church School


Divine Worship


Prayer/Bible Study

11:00am & 6:30pm (Wednesday)